<aside> 💡 Community Governance is a work in progress and requires trial and error to determine what works best for the community. Please submit a governance proposal if you have any suggestions or would like to propose a change.



To ensure transparency, efficiency, and accessibility within our governance process, we are developing a Governance Committee, which will ****consist of the members of the Core Team and seasonally elected community members that we call Stewards.

The Governance Committee is in charge of reviewing and discussing submitted proposals and helping to lead the community through the proposal process to lead to a community vote on Snapshot.

The Governance Committee will ensure proposals sent to Snapshot are aligned with the mission, vision, and values of our DAO and ones that benefit the DAO in generating revenue and a pathway to be self-sustaining.

<aside> 💡 The DAO listens to Snapshot (an on-chain voting application) votes to legitimize transactions, projects, and spending.



Step 1: Draft a Pre-Proposal.

Submitting proposals is how the DAO decides which projects to work on, how to utilize our community treasury, who to partner with, and how to make amendments to our governance process.

If you have an idea for a project or partnership or want to see a change to our governance process, please submit a proposal here.

The first step is to Draft a proposal.

As you’ll see, we have a few ready-made templates at your disposal. Choose the option that best suits your proposal. Click the drop-down arrow next to the ‘New’ button to choose the correct template for your proposal. After the template loads, fill out the proposal document to the best of your ability. Please get in touch with a Steward or a member of the Core Team if you are hitting any roadblocks. We are here to help!

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<aside> 💡 As of September 2022, submitted proposals must be concerning external grants, brand partnerships, or governance. We will integrate internal grant proposals (relating to funds coming directly from our treasury) as soon as possible.


Set submission status from Draft to ‘Pre-Proposal (📃proposal-forum)’ once you are done drafting your proposal. We call this stage ‘Pre-Proposal’ because this needs to pass a temperature check in the community Discord before moving on to the next step.

Step 2: Send Proposal to the # 📃proposal-forum Channel in our Discord